Financial plan

Create a consolidated financial plan (PF) for all the chassis
The financial plan (FP) allows you to enter the payment method, the costs on your chassis and to consult the margin. It is accessible as soon as you have as...
Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 at 5:02 PM
Modify and confirm the financial plan (PF)
VEHICLES, TAXES AND EQUIPMENT TABS To access the PF, click on the icon. Your PF will appear as a window with several tabs.In this tab, you will be able to ...
Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Financial plan (PF) Validation - Default Display
Depending on your user rights, you have direct access to transactions pending moderation. The "My Pending Financing Plans" and "All Pending F...
Fri, 2 Jun, 2023 at 10:13 AM
Mass validation of multiple financial plans (FPs)
Once a PF has been split into two or more batches, you get several FPs: PF001; PF002, etc. On the transaction view, once the two FPs have been recorded ...
Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 at 4:43 PM
Sales file completion
Depending on your dealership configuration, this functionality might be optional. To report a file complete, in the DEALS menu, find your transaction and ch...
Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Send for invoicing
As soon as the file has been finalised, click on Send for invoicing in the ACTIONS menu. If your file is ready to be sent, a confirmation message will a...
Fri, 2 Jun, 2023 at 10:12 AM