New features and enhancements:



  • When creating an event in the calendar, add any iziflo users as participants, not just those in the same team.


  • Variables have been added to SMS campaigns for faster and more personalised campaigns. Messages longer than 160 characters can now be sent.


  • When a service is added to a proforma or sales order, iziflo automatically generates a document for warranty extensions and maintenance contracts that can be edited and/or signed by the customer.
    Service options can also be set up.
    The report 'List of documents with services' tracks services and their status.
  • When a credit note has been requested on an invoiced purchase order, a message will ask whether the user wishes to validate the post-invoicing control.


  • In the import file and on the leads interface, an ‘Event’ source type has been added in order to create leads for each marketing event and to track the transformation of leads from a specific event. 
  • When a lead is abandoned, a comment must be added to explain why. They can be tracked in the ‘Lead processing follow-up’ query.


  • Report privileges have been sorted by category in the ‘Settings’ menu. A dedicated privilege has been created for each query.


  • It is now possible to create versions of the same model with identical wording (the version code must remain unique).


  • When a vehicle is blocked, a date at which the chassis is automatically unblocked can be added.


  • The design has been improved and the vehicle scan process has been simplified.


  • Reconditioning costs, photos and a description can be added when calculating the value of a vehicle trade-in via Z.Review. 



  • On contact cards, the country's prefix is displayed by default in a phone number field and can be modified using the drop-down menu.
    The prefix is taken into account when SMS'.
    ‘Favourite’ prefixes per country can be set-up in order to appear at the top of the list.


  • Office 365 single sign on can be enforced, enabling users to logon to iziflo using their 0365 credentials. They will not be able to use their iziflo credentials anymore. 
  • To improve security, two factor authentication by email is now available when connecting via iziflo credentials. Within a configurable timeframe, users will have to enter a code received by email in order to logon.
    -> Contact you administrator for this feature.
  • Attachment categories can be set-up to achieve full digitalisation. For example, create a category named 'Client information' for the following attachments: passeport, driving license. When opening the appointment folder, the user can see all available attachments linked to the category.



  • After modifying an owner on a vehicle card, replace the original contact with the one that has just been added for future appointments.
  • View call notes in the contact card and appointment history.
  • Receive notifications when an upcoming appointment has been rescheduled enabling you to reallocate the parts associated with the appointment to another.


  • When processing a lead, the collection time is empty by default and is no longer automatically filled in with the drop-off date.
  • External appointment lead times are calculated in working days rather than calendar days.

Job schedule

  • Create re-occurring tasks.
  • When a job is split, a parent job and one or more child jobs are created. Only the parent job will apear on the work order eliminating multiple jobs with the same name. Jobs can be re-merged.

  • When you click on a date (drop-off, collection or job) in the appointment folder, you are redirected to the date and time on the schedule. The appointment in question is highlighted.


  • In the ‘Car park inventory’ query, filter by a range of days rather than on a specific one.


  • Attachments can now be managed from settings.