When finalizing a transaction, it is possible to fill in and sign administrative documents. 

When you are in the details of your case, go to the Actions column and select "Administrative documents".

Several documents are available for editing and signature:

Clicking on the document brings up a window with a field of possible Actions.
By clicking on the drop-down menu, you can - View, Update, Reset, Sign and Download the document.

When editing, greyed-out fields are fillable. Click and fill in each field you wish to complete.  
For example, in the case of the "Used vehicle purchase voucher", you can enter comments in the dedicated field.

When you click on the FINALIZE button, the Update button is grayed out, and the document status changes from In progress to Finalized - it can no longer be modified. You can now move on to signatures.

A window indicates that you have to download the drivers so that you can sign using the WACOM tablet.

Once the drivers have been downloaded, connect the tablet's USB cable to your computer. 
The tablet is automatically detected. 

On the signature pad, a window appears with the title of the administrative document to be signed with the date, and 3 choices: CANCEL, DELETE and VALIDATE.

After signing and confirming, you can move on to another signatory until all parties have signed and confirmed the signatures. Once signatures have been confirmed, they cannot be modified.

Once the fields have been completed and signed, you can :

- save the changes made to the document so that you can see it later. 

- finalize to proceed with the remaining signatures.

- import the document as is into the sales order attachments.

- reset the signatures or the entire document.