Note: To implement this feature, you must first contact our support team.
For small amounts, you can simplify the billing process by:
- Invoice by default on a transient account (no account creation).
- Add a client as a principal
- Send an invoicing order directly at the end of the SO creation process without having to go through the whole process, if the order amount does not exceed a predefined price threshold.
During a sale via the STOCK, you can do a quick billing:
- On a single chassis by clicking on the
icon in the transaction column.
This icon will only be activated on pre-authorised versions + price < price threshold.
If the chassis is assigned to a SO, reserved, assigned or in billing, the icon will be greyed-out.
- For multiple chassis, select and add your chassis to the basket then click on The rules for making a SO (same brand, same sales regime...) and the blocking criteria also apply to the quick billing.
If all the selected versions are eligible for quick billing and the total price is lower than the price threshold, then the Quick billing button appears.
In the following window, the default transient account is automatically selected, but the user has the possibility to:
- Select a different account from the list
- Create a new client
The invoiced customer set by default is selected, unless the invoiced customer has been modified.
By default the payment is "cash deposit": it is pre-filled by default. It cannot be modified and it must be balanced.
When you click on the Finalise button, a window opens:
- If the condition is met: The Quick billing button is available.
IZIFLO then automatically does the following actions:
- Finalise and validate the PO
- Carry out the assignment
- Confirm the PF
- Confirm file completion (if activated)
- Confirm the contacts
- Send the billing order
- If the conditions are not met: the Quick billing button cannot be clicked and a message explains the reason. The user can finalise their transaction, which then becomes a regular SO.