Open the CALENDAR menu and click on ADD AN EVENT in the top right corner. Alternatively, you can click on the date and the time slot of your choice directly in the calendar.
After entering a title, select an Event objective from the dropdown menu, and you can also specify the appointment’s location.
Then you can then add a contact or another iziflo user as participants. This will then allow you to have a record of appointments that you have had with this client in their contact form.
To do this, in the bar, type the name or the first letters of the contact’s name and choose them from the list. To delete a participant, simply click on the cross to the right of their name.
Below, the status and comment fields you can verify the status of your appointment.
Your appointment will be either upcoming or may have already taken place. These elements will allow you to enter forecasts on your appointment. By default, the status is pending. Your appointment will then appear in the calendar.
A coloured square shows your appointment status:
The appointment has the status done: Your appointment has taken place. Enter any relevant information on how it progressed.
The appointment has the status pending: Your appointment is upcoming. Feel free to enter in the description any relevant information to prepare for your appointment.
The appointment has the status cancelled: Your appointment did not take place. Remember to explain why.
The appointment with the status without can be used for example all internal appointments.
Finally, you can choose to set one (or several) notifications before the appointment. Tick the box and choose between the suggestions when you wish to be notified.