Consult the price sheet for all add-ons previously set up in the product administration such as options, equipment, accessories and additional costs.


The price sheet is in the STOCK

Select one or more frames, then click on the Actions menu and choose "Price sheet".

You can change the category of the add-on, which in turn changes the display category of the PDF price sheet.


You can add accessories to appear on the price sheet by typing the name of the accessory, entering a price and then clicking on ADD.

Once you've finished, click on Generate PDF to view the price sheet.


Settings can be set and price sheets edited if the chassis selection does not exceed a total of 10 chassis. 

When an add-on categorized as a paying option in the product administration (PRODUCTS > Administration > Equipment and trims > Equipment) is at 0 euro, its display category will automatically be standard option. 


To be able to edit a price list, you need the "Modify price sheet" user right.