The badges up at the top of the page gives you a summary of your transactions/deals  as well as your teams.


Indicates the number of prospects related to a current case that do not contain a current PR/BC.

Vehicles on Proforma (PR)

Indicates the number of existing vehicles on current (non-abandoned) PRs related to current cases.

Vehicles on pending sales orders  (SO)

Indicates the number of vehicles on SOs (not abandoned) awaiting validation related to current cases.

Vehicles with confirmed SO

Indicates the number of vehicles on valid (non-abandoned) SOs related to current cases.

Assigned vehicles

Indicates the number of vehicles assigned on the SOs.

Financial plan (FP) pending

Indicates the number of balanced FPs pending approval from a supervisor (sales manager, sales director...) related to the user's current business.

NB: Partially validated financial plans are considered as pending financial plans.

Confirmed financial plans

Indicates the number of balanced financial plans validated by all supervisors (ready to bill) related to the current business.

Invoiced vehicles this month

Indicates the number of chassis invoiced in the current month.