The DEALS menu is divided into two views: Deals and Transactions. You can switch between the two views by

clicking DEAL VIEW or clicking TRANSACTIONS VIEW.
You can also configure a personalised view by using the column and side filters.

The Deals view gives you a general view of all current and past deals. A deal is linked to a single contact and can contain several transactions (PP, PR, BC). The Transactions view displays all transactions.

You have several options in the top right corner:

  •   This button allows you to export in Excel format the commercial activity, the commercial balance and the business table.
  •  You can hide the badges by clicking on this button.
  •  This button allows you to display a list of contacts on the left side of your screen.

  •  This button displays the legend for the different moderation and billing statuses

From the Deals module, view by deals, you can access the contact file to which a business is attached by hovering over the "Contact" column and then clicking on